The purpose of KCW™studios Distribution is to converge Quality Film Projects, Theatrical Exhibitors, Digital Projection Technology, and High Concept Marketing Opportunities without breaking the bank.
KCW™studios Distribution is the radical new “one-stop-shop” for feature film distribution, production, marketing, and consultation of your project for the affordable cost of a single answer print.
With new technologies developed daily for audiences to consume content, though correctly conforming to some proprietary standards for delivery is important, it is more important to pair the fitting content to audience, and the match the consumer to content they wish to consume.
Grandma in Missouri getting ready to hit the casinos after Sunday service is not going to have the same concerns, palate, as Joey gearing up for Summer break in Milan.
As Digital Projection Technology becomes more affordable for regional theaters to embrace, there is an increase demand for affordable content.
We have a network of almost 10,000,000 engaging Movie Fans. The demographic are active and growing on Social Media groups (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, Vine, Academia, Weibo, QQ, AsiaAvenue, CafeMom, Sina, mixi, Vkontakte, Xing, and more), forums and direct contacts.
Due to an over saturation of multiplex movie theaters across the country, there are many hours, even days, when movie theaters are not in operation and this presents more opportunities for indie producers, post houses, advertisers, and exhibitors. There are already concerts being presented digitally in theaters and these and other special events continue to flourish.
Today, E-cinema installations greatly outnumber D-Cinema installations, and this disparity will increase simply because there are many more potential applications for E-cinema without the corporate licensing restrictions and revenue loss to theater owners induced by D-Cinema.
Although KCW™studios has managed the work flow and delivery of 35 mm film prints, D-Cinema 2K resolution or higher, our primary focus is to offer an alternative cost effective solution and high quality content within the digitally advanced E-Cinema Market to filmmakers and exhibitors.
You’ve done the heavy lifting and made your movie, now let us help you monetize.